Monday, December 8, 2008

Historic Preservation----10/29/2008

I learned that 71% of the worlds energy consumption is due to buildings. Only more of a  reason to go green and get in old buildings and create a green environment. This was interesting to me because I thought it was due to vehicles and vehicles are at a 32% of energy consumption.

In the USA, we give off 22% of the WORLD'S greenhouse gases. This is not good. 

If everyone in the world lived as we in America live, we would need 5-6 planets to support us.

Another interesting fact was that in the 1920's & 2003 we had the most energy efficient buildings up until that time. 1940's-1990---most INefficient energy preserving buildings ever built in history. This is a terrible statistic and I am thrilled that LEED and green building is becoming a popular trend among the A & D community. FINALLY!

How to promote retrofit, reinvestment and reuse?
-research and outreach
-ensure building codes are preservation friendly
-reduce sprawl in communities and neighborhoods (this only leads to more building: fire stations, hospitals, schools) 
Charlotte (I am close to Charlotte), was rated 39th worst sprawling city in the US this year. 

So, when it comes down to it, we need to preserve what we have rather than wasting energy, fuels and tearing down trees to make room for sprawl to occur. GREEN IT UP!

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