Monday, February 16, 2009

Black & White Project

top perspective view of my black & white model

    left side view--of the "turn over in the kingdom" triangles

front view---journey triangles, skewer, kingdom triangles

 --The Project---
This project was created from black illustration board & white bristol board. I cut even 2 inch triangles & carefully crafted them so that they reflected a working journey. The black triangles reflect the story's journey of the main character who goes through three stages: servant, free man, prince in the same kingdom he was a servant in at the start of the story, hence the three point shape. The journey was a rough road but at the end, was for the best. I made the center of the triangles smooth because in most cases, and in the case of this story, the human goes through a trial and not until further observation do they realize the rough parts really were beneficial at the end. 

The white, larger triangles are opposite in position due to the turn over in the kingdom when the servant becomes prince. That is why the journey leads into them. 
Finally, the black skewer piercing through the center of it all reflects the unexpected point in the story when the free man falls asleep and is about to give up trying to complete the last task set before him by the princess and he awakes in the morning to little helpers, ants, piling up the last of the seed he needed to complete the task. 

I was pleased with the result and now, part two, is to create three models further abstracting this model. Until next time!