Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Article Writing

How the Design Process is Similar to Writing a Story
We are all familiar with what the word story means and how we are to write a story, but have we ever stopped to think about how writing a story relates directly to the design process? In the design process there are steps that a designer can take to create a well crafted, thought out and structured design. The same is true for the writing process, you need to create some sketches and write down some brainstorming ideas, then you need to think about how to break those ideas down and create a central idea or theme you want to get across and finally, a structured, well crafting and well thought out story is produced.
Why even bother with a process? Why revise and not go with your first instinct or idea? What is revision and why is it necessary in both the design and writing processes? Process is apart of the beginning, middle and end of the project. Process shows the brainstorming, the break down and building of structure, chipping away repetitive, unnecessary and abstract details that distract from the work and eventually to the final process model, the presentation of your complete process. Revision is included in our process work. When we revise, we are sifting through all of the information to create a story [both in design and writing] that has a central essence and exudes commodity, firmness and delight. This is achieved through fine tooth combing, or revising, our work up until the very last second we edit the project. Finally, we should never go with our first idea, start to finish in an instant. A first idea may become a final project, but it should never just remain as is. There is always something that could be different, better thought out and examined and maybe pushed further or in a completely different direction. Revision leads to craft and craft leads to well structured projects.
When we examine writing, as a concept, we see revision, research, essence, character, process work, details, information, interaction, imagery and word choice, and pictures that can be drawn up in our minds. All of these words, we can use to describe any type of design process, including writing, because they are creative and inventive fields. When we create designs, perhaps we should think of how we would formulate a story and vice versa. There is so much out there to be created, editing, brainstormed further and turned into a story and to become apart of those around us. We need to utilize these principles and rules of thumb for both writing and design to create great stories. Stories need to speak for themselves, draw up images and take people to a new place or give them a new feeling. Great design and writing takes people to a new world and takes them from where they are to where you want them to be. Although writing and design can be taken differently, there is still a sense of control in both realms and a sense of capturing the senses of another person. Stories are very revealing and can be extremely powerful works of art.

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