Friday, March 20, 2009

Outline for Precedent Analysis

Outline: IAC Building Kristina Ragan

1. Elevation—pen and ink on bond
2. Contex Diagram-pen and ink
3. Gesture—pen and ink on bond
4. Contour—pen and ink on bond
5. Interior Section—pen and ink, chartpak on vellum
6. Top view—pen and ink, chartpak on vellum
7. Vignette of NYC Skyline and IAC-watercolor on bristol
8. Plan view-pen and ink on bond
9. Side view—felt tip pen on bond

I. IAC Building Creator and Thought Process
A. Frank Gehry brief architectural background/history
1. World-renouned architect
2. first NYC build was IAC
3. Glass to give the illusion of sails
a. cold-warping
B. His models and brainstorming process
1. Models and computer sketches and ideas

II. IAC Building Name, Location and Purpose
A. IAC Name
1. InterActiveCorp
2. Location within NYC
3. Headquarters for InterActiveCorp, offices
a. internet businesses with a focus on travel
III. Breakdown of Building Layout and Measurements
A. Penthouses, towers, rooftop terraces
B. Curvaciousness
C. Least favorite and a disappointment in comparison to legacy

IV. Historical Relationship: Casa Mila’ and it’s History
A. Casa Mila′
1. organic architecture
2. originality of the time
3. Built in 1906 and 1912
a. designed by Antoni Gaudi

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