Sunday, November 1, 2009

So You Think You Can Draw---Halloween Style

My assignment was to draw a spooky house with a super graphic and create a scary story to go along with it. My haunted house has broken windows, a broken roof and porch and dead trees and vines. My super graphic are the bloody handprints which were done with my pinky and ring finger dabbed with crimson PrismaColor markers. My entire work is done on 18"x 24" marker paper with black Micron pens of various line weights and Prisma Color markers.
My story is a spooky tale about Mr. Tunnelton, a hardworking husband that goes outside with his scythe to tend to the yard. He comes back into his home to ask his wife for a glass of lemonade and his wife kills him with kitchen items unexpectedly. Now, the house is haunted by the ghost of Mr. Tunnelton and he roams the house ready to swing at the next person that enters his home, in case its his wife. High schoolers from the area try and enter the house every Halloween but nobody ever survives. The house is known for its creepy tale and bloody handprints on the windows.

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